What a fab first full week! It has been crammed with brilliance and we cannot wait for more!
In maths, we have continued our learning on shape! Here are some photos of the different ways we sorted 3D shapes.
We sorted based on shape (picture 1), colour (picture 2), ones with straight edges and ones without (picture 3), and ones with pointy corners and ones without (picture 4).
We then went on a shape hunt outside to see which objects resembled 3D shapes.
In English we have began to look at stories or, since we like to use fancy words, narratives. We read the story of 'The Enormous Turnip' which we loved joining in with! We then got into groups and retold the story by becoming the characters. Here is a video of one of the groups:
We have also now finished our work on using BeeBots. We learnt all about how we need to input an algorithm (which is a set of instructions) and how sometimes we need to debug (find any errors and fix them). We LOVED this unit of work! Here are some photos of the fun.