

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home learning 24.06.22

Home learning


Wow! What a week we’ve had.


For your home learning, I would like you to write a review of your week. 


You can write your review in any style you choose. Maybe a double-page spread, book review or a page of beautiful writing. 


Things to include could be;  Your most enjoyable moment.  Why was it your most memorable moment?  Would you change anything?  Did you find any part difficult?  Did you dislike any part and why? 


Our week has included our trip to Rayleigh Mount and Wild for Culture Day.  




You are working on your timetables 2, 5, and 10, pushing on to your 3s.  TT rock stars will help with your practice. 


Please see below for this week's spellings.

