

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Class Blog

Welcome back - Where did the Christmas holidays go?

Typical,  the weather has turned cold now we're back, so please make sure you wear lots of layers as we still have to have the windows open to ventilate the room especially now we are going into our winter months.


Just to let you know this term we still have indoor PE on Wednesday and outdoor PE on Thursday so please still come in your PE kits but on Thursday please make sure you have lots of layers!!!


This term we are looking at China, the Shang Dynasty, Chinese New Year, the story of the Willow pattern and, many more things to do with Asia.

I hope you are looking forward to exploring the different cultures this term?

Home learning begins this week so look out for it on the website or Google classroom.

Also so does spellings! So you will be learning a new string and pattern this next week for your test next Friday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Welsh
