

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Christmas reminders

Christmas reminders


Just a few reminders for upcoming events in the last 2 weeks


On Monday 6th there is an extra Christmas jumper day and your parents can make a donation via parent pay for the official Christmas jumper day on Friday 10th December.


Don't forget the Panto on Thursday 9th December where you can bring in a small packet of sweets and a non-fizzy drink.


Also there is the Art ambassador's Christmas Craft sale on Tuesday 7th December at 8.15am and then again on 10th December after school until 4pm.


There is a Christmas Carol service on Monday 13th at 1.30pm at Rayleigh Methodist church - all parents are welcome but we will keep you posted of any changes to the event.
