

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


What an investigative week Class 3 !


We have been investigating, creating and debugging in our computing lessons using Scratch this week. We have been amazing archaeologists  in Science  learning all about how fossils are formed. We also had the opportunity  to use special tools to find the hidden fossils. 


We used our hot seating, expressive and persuasive skills in English this week looking at how Mr Tumnus was not all what he seemed to be when himself and Lucy first met. We looked at why and why not Lucy should have followed him to his cave. Our views were then performed in a persuasive debate resulted in sharing a variety of viewpoints.


We also had a happy Monday and had a special zoom call from James Campbell which made us giggle. We then had a fun filled afternoon all around Happy Monday including sharing jokes and painting stones.


We have learnt our last part to our dance festival! I can’t believe how amazing and creative you have all been! All we need to do now is practise, practise, practise so we are super ready 😊


Have a nice weekend. See you on Monday.
