An amazing week!
Class 4 enjoyed a visit to Rayleigh Museum on Monday, all be it chilly! Check out our photos in the separate folder. After such an exciting morning we came back to learn some more about how Rayleigh has changed over the years. We got creative when making our lanterns for the Winter Light Festival, this was great fun but very very sticky! Take a look at the fab photos below. Some wonderful singing has also been taking place too, ready for our Christmas church service. In amongst all this Class 4 have worked hard on their times tables this week both in maths, in computing and when using the ipads to beat the timer! Keep up the great work.
English has continued by creating persuasive texts and wow, they have been amazing.
A super positive 'I can do it' attitude has shone through this week, well done everyone.
Congratulations to those of you who have been selected for green hat roles, you have been a great help at lunchtimes.
We can't wait to see what next week brings!