Another amazing week packed full of BRILLIANCE. Class 6 have smashed division this week and have been applying their new found knowledge to problem solving tasks. Fantastic effort everyone :)
We also encountered a battle at Lindisfarne and became detectives to find out all about it. The Vicious Vikings invaded, raided and pillaged sending Northumbria into a spin. Our wily reporters have done an amazing job reporting and warning the good people of England. I'm looking forward to seeing the final pieces next week.
Our dragon eyes are almost complete - just a lick of paint and a varnish and we're there. The time and care taken over these has been fantastic and it shows in the work produced. We continued to learn about the heart this week and studied the impact of exercise on our hearts. Next week will be more exploratory and a letter has been sent home to explain :)
If you would like to buy your child's Christmas scene on a mug or a pack of cards, please return the orders as soon as you can :)
Have a fab weekend all and see you all on Monday :)