

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

25.2.22 Home learning

This week's home learning is to learn a few lines,  the whole poem, or a stanza - (Can your child tell you what this is?) of their chosen poem.   We have been researching different poems and they have chosen a poem from the list they want to learn. 

Attached is a list of the poems they can research and listen to online via youtube.  We have been learning our computer skills on how to research safely online - Can your child demonstrate for you?  Please be patient as this is new learning.

We are back to working on our 2 timetables and spellings (see attached).

Please keep an eye on our google classroom as we have a very busy few weeks coming up.  

Can I ask if you are aware of a class 2 parent who is having problems accessing google classroom or our website,  please drop me a message so everyone has access to the correct information.

Thank you 

Mrs. Hogan and the Class 2 team.
