

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Spring 2 - Week 3

Class 1 smashed another week!!


Maths has seen us work even harder on our addition and subtraction within 20. Things got tricky when we were looking at related facts but we applied our resilience!


In English we have been writing instructions on how to make the spring rolls we made last half term. They’re nearly done so check back soon if you would like to find out how to make them!


In history, we are now looking at the Great Fire of London! So far we have been comparing. We looked at pictures of London and had to decide whether they should be past or present. Some of us disagreed on some which made for interesting conversation!

In PE, we have been looking at balance for our gymnastic. Check out some of these super cool balances!
