

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 15.10.21

Hi Acorns, 
In maths, we have been working hard on sorting and comparing. For home learning this week, we would love you to sort objects in your house into groups. This could be stripy socks and non stripy socks or if you love the outside you could group brown leaves and green leaves. Have as much fun as you can and see if you can come up with lots of different groups! 
In phonics, we have been working on the sounds and letter formation of:
 r, h, b, f and ff
Please practise at home writing and pronouncing the sounds as much as you can. This can be using chalk, pens, pencils, paint or even in the mud. 

Our tricky word was:
A new Bug Club book has been assigned for this weeks reading and there is also a reading book inside your bags. Please return books by Wednesday.  

Please send home learning to or turn it in on google classroom. 
Thank you all for your fabulous work they have been great to see!
Have a lovely weekend!
