Amazing resilience this week Class 6! Such a fantastic attitude to assessment week and I am so proud of the way you have all conducted yourselves. Despite being tired, you have remained positive, upbeat and a pleasure to teach. This Can Do attitude will set you in good stead going forward Class 6!
This week, we made shortbread biscuits (and managed to cover ourselves and the floor in flour!) using a recipe from the war. lots of fun and tasty too:) We have almost finished reporting on the events at Dunkirk and have learnt some decimal, percentage and fraction equivalents. A busy week!
Rest up over half term and I look forward to seeing you on the 25th. Don't forget the first Monday back is our WW2 day. Please remember to either attach an identity label; make a box tied with string (for your gas mask); or just long shorts, long socks and a tank top. Anything goes. No need to buy a costume :)