Good morning Year 4,
I cannot wait to see you all online tomorrow and update you on our plan for the next couple of weeks.
Today I would like you to work through the tasks attached here to ease yourself in.
Maths task - Task for all children. You will need a pen and paper. You can choose which game you would like to challenge yourself at. As you know you can do number bonds through to your times tables. Whichever you choose, play your first game and make a note of your score. Continue to play the game for 5 minutes- can you beat your score? Let me know your highest score.
English task – We will focus on poems for the next few weeks, so today's task is to write an acrostic poem on our name. It can be either your first or last name or both. I have attached some examples for you to see. As an extension can you make one for a friend or family member? Keep these as I would love to see them.
Reading - Please read today and write a short paragraph about what you have read – draw a picture/tell me about the characters
After lunch, I would love to find out more about you and how you work. Please draw around your hands. In the fingers of one hand, tell me all the things that you enjoy/are most proud of and in the other write all your dreams and what you would like to learn for Year 4.
Don’t forget to decorate them, and keep them safe, and ready to share on Google Classroom. (GC)
I cannot wait to see you all online at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. The link will be on here ready for you all.
Have a fabulous day!