

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Spring 1 - Week 4

What a fab week!


In our maths we have continued looking at numbers within 20. We have played different games this week as well as other activities in our books to help us master different skills such as comparing and ordering numbers.

Here are some photos of us playing an ordering game - The person with the greatest card wins!

We have now finished writing our stories inspired by 'The Enormous Turnip' which have all been very successful. We innovated the story to make it our own. Some of our titles have been:

'The Gigantic Asparagus' by Oakley H

'The Ginormous Celery' by Leiyana

'The Huge Broccoli' by James

As well as many other fabulous stories.


Well done Class 1!


We also had a fab time on Thursday while Miss Hasson was on a course (she went to Ford where they gave her an exciting project to complete with us soon - watch this space!), we joined forces with Year 2. We read the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We then worked together to make box settings. Then, we made puppets of ourselves to retell the story, swapping the main characters for, yep, you guessed!

Here are some photos of the fun!
