Welcome Back!!
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Break and wish you all a very happy new year!
Just a few house keeping details for the Spring Term:
P.E. - This will now be taking place on a Wednesday morning - please ensure that earrings are removed on this day and hair is tied back. Thank you.
Home Learning - You will find a home learning leaflet stuck into your blue books this week. This includes a selection of home learning projects for you to pick and choose from this half term. You may complete these in any order and whenever you wish. I will continue to take blue books in on a Thursday to take a look at the things you have been up to. Please keep up with the excellent efforts to enjoy reading and sharing stories at home and continue to use the phonics cards to practise sound recognition and building simple words.
Timetable - This term we will start to introduce a new morning routine and the children will be joining KS1 for a morning break. The children will then be able to start to earn points to help them win the weekly brilliance cup!!
We look forward to a amazing term filled with lots of fantastic challenges to help dig out that brilliance!