Another week complete and the children have been bursting with brilliance and being super resilient learners, well done Class 2!
This week we have been working on:
Maths – learning the place value of each number in tens and ones e.g. 42 has 4 tens and 2 ones = 42. We have then been learning to write these numbers in words too, fab job! We’ve used part, part whole models to display these, made the numbers with the dienes apparatus and worked super hard on our counting in 2’s and 5’s.
English – we have been thinking about Autumn. We described how it could look and collected some items from outside. We then used these to create our own free verse poem using our senses to describe and inspire the reader. Some great Magic box poems about Autumn, well done everyone!
Science – we have continued our work on materials, finding their properties and describing them. We were able to use words such as: opaque, transparent, waterproof, rigid, rough, smooth and many more.
This is just some of our amazing learning so far this week.
Keep up the great work Class 2!