Home Learning
Class Asia’s home learning for this week is:
1. To complete the superlative (adding 'est') and comparative (adding 'er') writing sheet using your neatest handwriting.
Challenge: To put these words into interesting sentences which use the conjunctions because, but, so, if...
Can you join up your handwriting and blow me away with your ideas?
I have attached a sound mat to help you sound out your words as accurately as possible.
2. Spellings for this week are attached. There are 20, please learn as many as you can. We will practice these in class too next week as part of our spelling patterns.
Sumdog and Times Table RockStars is all set to be used https://ttrockstars.com/ (Log ins are in the front of your Partnership books)
Please either submit your home learning on here for us to mark or bring it into school by Thursday 6th October.
Take a look at our school website www.wyburns.org for this week’s update and photos.
Your children have been working super hard in class, well done Class Asia!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Clark