Hi team!
If you would like to run for Head Pupil and represent our school, please prepare a speech for our class compelling us to vote for you! Think about the qualities a Head Pupil needs and whether you have the confidence and belief to become the voice of Wyburns.
I'm looking forward to hearing them!
Mr Young
Hi all,
I am so looking forward to welcoming you all back to our classroom on Monday 7th September. You won't need to bring your PE kits in but feel free to bring a pencil case (if you would like to), a reading book, your water bottle and a packed lunch (if you are having one!)
PE is on Thursdays so please wear your PE kit to school this day. Please do not bring in your PE kit. Thankyou ☺
Speeches will be on Tuesday for Junior Governors, Eco warriors, Sports Councillors and Art ambassadors so please come prepared if you would like to be elected for one of the roles and to have the opportunity to represent our fabulous class :)
Enjoy the last week at home and I can't wait to see you all!
Mr Young