Welcome back!
Please can we have a quick search at home for any school reading books that might be hiding under the bed or behind the sofa and bring them back in next week. :)
This week, we would love you to do a maths hunt. Go for a walk inside or outside finding numbers between 1 & 5. Once you have spotted them, we would love you to say what is 1 more and 1 less than the number you have found. Play against someone in your family and see who can earn the most points. Good luck!
We have also attached reading comprehension sheets for phase 2 and phase 3 instead of a reading book to go home with. We would love you to complete at least 1 of these. Also, please try and login to Bug Club online to read some more yaya :) If you need anything printed please let us know.
a, an, at, on, up
Tricky words:
Please send home learning to homelearning@wyburns.org or turn it in on google classroom.
Thank you all for your fabulous work over the holidays!