

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Class 3

Hello to the new Class 3! 


We hope you have all had an AMAZING summer because you definitely all deserved it after your hard work in school and at home! We cannot wait to see all of your smiley faces on Monday 7th September!


Please note that you do not need to bring your PE kits in as you will wear these to school on your designated PE days (ours is Thursday), but you can all bring in a pencil case (if you would like to), a reading book, a packed lunch (if you are having one) and please remember a water bottle.


Please also remember that our election speeches are on Wednesday, so if you want to put yourself forward, come up with a speech about which role you want to do, why you want to do it and all the reasons why you would be great at it smiley


Enjoy your weekend and we will see you on Monday - Hooray!


Miss Hasson and Miss Beale
