Well Class 1, it is the end of another half term and you have absolutely worked your socks off. Well done to every single one of you on all of your achievements.
After the half term we are going to be exploring the different seasons. For your home learning I would like you to research the four seasons in any way you like! Using a computer, book or your own observations can you make, draw, write about the different seasons?
You may also want to:
- Make a seasonal collage
- Keep a record of the weather for a week
- Write about your favourite season
- Pick a month and find out about the season in that month. Is the season the same for that month in another country in the world?
There are lots of ideas but you can be as creative as you like! Show off your creative talents. Don't forget to keep up with your reading.
In addition, I have attached your spellings for next term. Please focus on Week 1 ready for the first Thursday back.
I hope you have a well deserved rest. Let's recharge ready for an amazing final term.
All the best,
Miss Kemal