

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


This weeks homework is called Punctuation Prize!


We have been working really hard on our punctuation and handwriting and by completing the sheet you will showing us what you can do.  Let's see all the brilliance you have been showing us this week bursting through! no



WEDNESDAY 16th MARCH.smiley 


Also remember to keep reading every night.laugh

Home Learning Project

This term we have been learning about animals around the world and their habitats. We noticed that different animals need hot or cold climates and some animals prefer to live on land or water. We researched how animals have adapted to their environment.

Now it’s your turn! Can you use different materials at home to create a habitat for your favourite animal? You might like to use old cereal boxes, shoe boxes, twigs and leaves or even paint a picture. 

We hope you have great fun building your habitat and we cannot wait to display them.

This homework is due back into school by Wednesday 24th February.

Copy of homework can be viewed or printed from the link below.

Maths Homework    

This week the children have been learning about fractions. Please help your child to carry out the fraction investigation homework this week, they can write on the back of the sheet. This homework is due back in school on Wednesday  10th February.

Reading Comprehension Homework

The children have brought home a passage to read and some questions to answer. Please read the passage together and help the children to answer the questions by discussing the text together.

Tigers and Lions

 Maths Homework - Place Value  

This week the children have brought home some maths homework which will help them to apply their place value knowledge and skills to order numbers. Remind the children to think about what each digit is worth in a number, this will help them to order them. 

Sheets available below to print out.

This homework is due back to school on Wednesday 27th January. Please ensure the children return this work by putting it inside their blue homework folders and then bring it to school to place  in our class homework basket. Thank you.

Note re-competition homework

*******Apologies to the children that lost their sheets or wanted a second one for the competition. Unfortunately these are library issued sheets and I am trying my best to get some more copies. *********

    Competition Homework    

The children have brought home a sheet for a competition run by Rayleigh Library. They have been asked to design and draw a  cover for a book. This homework is due back into school by Wednesday 20th January.

    Reading and Comprehension Homework    

This week the children have brought home a passage to read with you and some questions to discuss and answer.

This homework is due back in school on Wednesday 13th January.

No Christmas Holiday homework

Please practise times tables and spellings

    Christmas Maths  11-12-15  

The children have brought home this week some Christmas maths to help Father Christmas. This homework is due in on Wednesday 16th December.

    Handwriting Homework 4-12-15    

 This week the children have been given a Christmas  ABC for handwriting practice. 

This homework is due back in school on Wednesday 9th December in the blue folder.

Measuring Homework - 27th November

The children have brought home some measuring activities to complete at home this week.

Reading Home Learning - 20.11.15

    Can you be a Reading Spy?   

This week the children have been asked to turn into a Reading Spy!

We would like the children to start investigating their reading book to complete four missions.  Who will be our Super Reading Spy?

This homework is due back in school on Wednesday 25th November. Please return this homework in the children's blue homework folder. Thank you

    Homework for   13-11-15   

Homework for this week is to learn the song words for the Christmas production. 


    Maths Homework    

This week the children have brought home a clock to make. Can the chn then use the clock to make and say the times of different activities that they do during the week?

If you need another copy of the clock download from link below.


Home Learning Project


The children are learning about London this term and for homework they have been asked to make a 3D model of a London Landmark. This homework is due back in school on Monday 2nd November.  Have fun creating together! You can download homework instructions from the link below.

    Handwriting Homework    

The children are learning to spell and write the days of the week. The homework also helps them to match the days to different activities  they  take part in during the week.


    Maths Homework      

This week the children have been investigating capacity - the amount a container will hold.

The children have some capacity homework to carry out at home. This homework should be completed and returned to school by Wednesday 7th October.

Marvellous Monkeys, Excellent Elephants, Super Seals

Perfect Pandas, Awesome Lions, Terrific Tigers

Poster Homework

Competition for school values poster. This homework will be due back to school on Friday 2nd October. 


    Maths Homework     

This week the children have been learning about place value of digits in numbers and comparing numbers using the inequality signs. We then moved on to solving number problems. This homework is due back to school on Wednesday 23rd September.

    Handwriting Homework    

The children have brought home a Handwriting exercise to complete at home to help them to learn the correct letter formation. This homework is due back in school  on Wednesday 16th September.

Copy of Homework Folder letter
