What a successful week, Year 1!
Our maths journey has taken us into measure, where we have looked at length and height, weight and volume and capacity. A particularly fun task that we undertook this week was investigating volume and capacity using water. In groups, we looked at a selection of containers and ordered them based on how much we thought they would hold. Prediction skills! We then tested this using cups of water and then reordered them based on what we had found out. We loved this maths lesson!
In English, we have now finished writing instructions on how to plant seeds and are looking forward to taking our instructions to Year 3 on Friday to teach them how to do this and do it with them. We hope they are as happy as we were when we potted our seeds. Check out these smiles!
We have also been looking at nature in RE and the importance of it to Christians and in the bible. We also looked at the creation story and are looking forward to looking at how nature is reflected in Hinduism and in Islam.