

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


Class 3 what a fantastic first day back!!

We have all been super! Super listening, super work and super singing outside too!


We have enjoyed settling into our new classroom and receiving our ties!


We have enjoyed learning about our story Here We Are and using our creative imaginative minds to create a kindness costs nothing poster and our own world too!


Over the weekend, if you would like to have a chance of being a Junior Governor, Sports Ambassador or an Eco Ambassador for Year 3 please prepare a little speech explaining why you think you would be good for the role smiley For those who wanted to aspire to be an Art Ambassador, you will be able to have the chance to put yourself forward for this role in years 4, 5 and 6. The speeches will be heard on Wednesday 8th September and the elections will be on Friday 10th September!


Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday smiley




Exciting update Class 3!!



We are able to go for Art Ambassador!! - so if you were inspiring to be and wanted to have the opportunity to write a speech to try and become our Arts Ambassador,  you do need to wait to till year 4! Write a speech for tomorrow to have your chance. Also, for the chance to go for any other other roles - Junior governor, Sports Ambassador or Eco Ambassador please make you are ready with your speeches tomorrow :)

