WOW! What another brilliant week in Class 1! We have started writing our instructions for what to do during a fire drill, learnt about the addition symbol AND even made futuristic fire engines! I am so proud of how much brilliance each and every one of you have shown this week! For your home learning this week I would like you to have a go at creating fact families using number flashcards and writing a stem sentence (e.g. 5 + 5 = 10, 10 = 5 + 5). Fancy a challenge? Why not try the mastery question! How many fact families can you find? Maybe you could make them into a brightly coloured poster! Remember to keep practising your spellings. You should be on your final week of your spellings now! (Week 6). Make sure to have a lovely relaxing weekend and I will see all of your lovely faces again on Monday morning. Miss Kemal