

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Well-being Blogs

21st November 



I think we are all a bit worried about the rising cost of living. There are many websites which may be of use. The Salvation Army website  provides Emergency Assistance. The government Help for Households campaign might be useful. Megazone at Rayleigh Weir offer a community resilience hub, please look at their website for more information. Additionally,

The Kitche App is great for learning how to minimize food waste, with a chance to win an air fryer!

Too Good to Go! is a great place to access discounted or free food that would likely be thrown away; places like Greggs, Starbucks and Costa. If you know of any other services that may benefit others, please let us know.

2nd November 2022


The clock going back is a reminder that winter is coming. The leaves falling off the trees is a reminder that change can often be beautiful. For some, the darker nights and cold weather can impact on our minds and moods. Exercise, eating well and getting a good night’s sleep can help if you are feeling depressed or tired. Essex gov have produced a range of ways to get support if you are feeling low. Visit for more information. 




28th June 

This summer term is flying past and there might be a lot of change in your child’s school life; change in teacher, classroom or change in school. This may create some nervous butterflies in children’s tummies.  Change can create emotions like nervousness and worry but it also can create excitement. Change can be a really positive experience, it ensures life is exciting, allows us to become resilient and confident. Some children find dealing with change challenging, this is understandable. To support children we advise giving children plenty of notice, allow time to process the change and answer questions when they are ready, try to keep all other routines the same (too much change too soon can be hard.) Additionally there are plenty of books about change in our local library, Rayleigh. They have books about starting secondary school and primary schools. It can be a really exciting time, no matter how many butterflies we feel in our tummies. Let’s turn these changes into learning opportunities.


10th May 2022


It is Mental Health Awareness week! The NHS has evidence to suggest that there are 5 steps to improve your mental health and wellbeing. These are Connect with other people, Be physically active, Learn new skills, Give to others and pay attention to the present moment. 

I really like the “Give to others” suggestion, it’s easy to do and completely free whilst having a huge impact on others. Offering help, giving compliments, saying thank you, asking people how they are and really listening to them are ways in which we can “Give to others.”  We have been explaining this to our children- how having a positive conversation, complimenting friends, a kind action or gesture can be so powerful; making someone feel good but also making ourselves feel really good too. Try it and notice how you feel. If you would like any more information on these 5 steps, please visit: NHS 5 Steps to improve mental health and wellbeing.




22nd March

Hi Wyburns 

How are we? How annoying is the word BUT? As much as I keep being positive when dealing with my children at home it is always followed with. “But he didn’t listen.” OR “But he wouldn’t let me play.” I have always tried to seek the positive when explaining to my son how other children do things differently. Although it is so testing at times. Instead I’ve used the language from our Power of Thoughts day. “Did you really listen to your brother? What was he trying to tell you?” 

When he wasn’t sharing I’ve acknowledged his feelings. “I would be annoyed if he didn’t share it with me too. BUT what I would have done is spoken to mummy and understood he isn't ready to calm down yet BUT when he is, we can talk about it.”    Actually, the word BUT isn't too annoying after all. Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine! If you wanted more ideas go to


7th FebruarY 

Letter sent to parents. 


24th January 

Good Morning 

 Is everything a bit boring at the moment or is that just me? Finding motivation when it's dark, cold and damp is a bit of a challenge. Luckily, in Essex, we are fortunate to have many services to support us, it can be difficult to know where and when to access it. is a perfect place to start, supporting families with a range of emotional and practical advice. Sometimes, it’s not advice we are after, sometimes we just need to get all our emotions out. Why not try our Wyburns playlist. Grab your hairbrush, click on this link Wyburns Playlist and enjoy!


11th January 


Blue Monday is coming! Have you heard of it? Apparently, it’s the worst day of the year because most people have given up their NYE resolutions, payday is too far away and it’s freezing. 

I’m challenging that and I’m going to practise what I teach. 

Do I need to believe everything I hear? Do I need someone to tell me that I should be ‘blue’ on this day. Absolutely not. Yes- there may be things to worry about in January but the support is there if I need some help. There is so much to look forward to. Perhaps, we can take a look at last year and write a list of all the things we did achieve in 2021. 

So.Blue Monday? Haven't heard of it mate. We’re renaming it Happy Monday!

Look out for fun activities for the children to join in. 


1st December 


The masks are back, did they ever go away? Who knows! A new Covid Variant has been identified, can we pronounce the name of this variant  correctly? Who knows! Of course the news is taken seriously, we listen and we understand the new variant can cause a big impact. What I would also like to add is “Together, in partnership, we’ve got this.” We will social distance, wear masks, make safe decisions to keep our community safe. We will give our community a fun, enjoyable end of term, in a safe way. Working together with parents, trusting the decisions we might need to make. 


Mrs Wood 


17th November 

Hi Wyburns. 

Oh! Those Elves are coming back soon aren’t they? They move around our house, creating mischief, constantly wondering Where are they now? What are they doing? Perhaps this year those Elves can show their funny side, sprinkled with some kindness. I think those Elves could set a really good example.  I hope they find your old tins of food and ask for them to be donated to charity? Can they sort the unused toys and give to those in need? Or they could help with chores at home, like unloading the dishwasher. Maybe the Elves could write a list of what they are grateful for when living in this house. If they make a mess, can they clean it up themselves? I’m sure they will still be very funny, we love hearing what they do; writing on bananas, creating flour Angels, hiding on the ceiling and eating all the cereal, but maybe this year they can teach us the art of kindness too. 

Mrs Wood    :) 


20th October 

Hi Wyburns, How are you? 

As the worry around winter seems to be growing, we need to remember our wellbeing and self- care is a priority. We wouldn’t set off on a long journey with low batteries on our phones, so why should we tackle these challenges without self care. Check in with others and make sure you ask for help if you need it. If you happen to be isolating; there are millions of ideas online on how to keep busy at home. Remember you don’t have to wear yourself out to have some self-care; keep topping yourself up. I’m thinking of baths, movies, books, music and nice dinners. I’m also thinking of Halloween sweets. 

Mrs Wood 


6th October 

Good Morning Wyburns, 

Just when I thought the world couldn’t get any crazier. I spent 40 minutes queing for £30 worth of diesel. I find keeping calm in those situations really hard. Why is everyone queuing and why am I wasting my precious time to get fuel? I was getting frustrated. Sometimes; it helps to change your mindset. Instead of viewing the negative, view the positive. So actually, I sat for 40 minutes in my car, on my own, not having to do any chores or hear any little voices. It was probably the best way to spend my Saturday morning! Anyone know the next supply shortage? I’ll make a flask of tea and meet you there! 

If you need a pick me up, go follow our twitterLots of tweets about what the children are achieving! Guaranteed to make you smile. 

Have a lovely rest of your week! 

Mrs Wood 


21st September 


Hi Wyburns 

How are we all? 

We are in full swing of school now and the children have settled into their routines and learning brilliantly. The colder mornings are now settling in, if we need a bit of sunshine try checking out, The Blurt it Out foundation is an organisation which offers a range of advice. Their free weekly newsletter contains little sprinkles of advice.  


8th September 


Welcome Back! 

So lovely to see everyone back. Wyburns is considering the pace in life this week. Everything is so busy isn’t it? I need to wash uniforms, cook dinner, clean and finish work projects. But, more importantly, I also need to rest and have a cup of tea. To tackle this I’m going to try and do little things daily, take mini breaks throughout the day and assign jobs to the children. They should help! Do you agree? 

I found a great instagram account @happinessproject. Check it out

Mrs Wood 

