

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week Beginning - 29/11/21

Another busy week Class 4! 

We have had so much fun using the Ipads to become Times Table Rockstar whizzes, you are all getting so quick now, well done.  In Maths you've worked hard to on your times tables to master those techniques by using arrays, numbers and word problems. In English you've been super creative designing scenes, puppets and speech for your 'Boot meets a friend' text. We had a great time experimenting with the Ipads and green screen to bring the story to life. We can't wait to finish this action packed theme.  PE also carried on the creative theme as you developed shapes and pathways, there are some great photos of your work below.  In French we continued to learn about pets, how to pronounce and write about your own pets whilst also perfecting counting to 70, great job!  How far can you count in French?

That's just a snippet of our week, keep working hard Class 4, you are all superstars and we are very proud of you!
