The next two weeks are super busy so have added the reminders here :
On Monday 6th there is an extra Christmas jumper day (wahoo!)and your parents can make a donation via parent pay for the official Christmas jumper day on Friday 10th December. Where you can wear your Christmas jumper (and accessories again!)
Don't forget the Panto on Thursday 9th December where you can bring in a small packet of sweets and a non-fizzy drink. We will have lunch on our return :)
Also there is the Art ambassador's Christmas Craft sale on Tuesday 7th December at 8.15am and then again on 10th December after school until 4pm. Please bring some money if you would like to purchase anything!
Our Christmas Carol service is on Monday 13th at 1.30pm at Rayleigh Methodist church - all parents are welcome but we will keep you posted of any changes to the event.