Our last week!
I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone. We had a busy week last week finishing our rainforest models and saying goodbye to the Year 6's .
Today we visited the park for a well deserved treat. You have all worked so hard this year and it was a lovely way to celebrate it! As usual you represented Wyburns brilliantly.
All that is left for me to say is how proud I am of you all. You have all matured and grown into even lovelier children this year. Your progress has been AMAZING this year and that is down to your hard work and FANTASTIC attitude to learning. I can honestly say it's been a brilliant year and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you all. I will miss you but know you are going to have a great year next year with Miss Campbell.
Have a great summer and see you all in September
Miss Fagence
Saturday 11th July 2015
The children were brilliant at our assembly this week. I am so proud of all of you and have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you this year.
Only 1 week and 2 days left! This year is zooming by. Our trip is now on the 20th July and we will be going to King Georges Park for a few hours before coming back to school for a party! Please let me know if there are any outdoor games you wish to bring. I think we have a football coming and I'll bring the rounders set and parachute from school.
The DoJo winner will be revealed on Monday
Enjoy the sunshine and see you on Monday!
Miss Fagence
Just to remind the grammar gurus - there will be no more sessions this term as we have our trip next week.
Thursday 2nd July
This year is just whizzing by! I can't believe we only have 2 and a half weeks left! Tomorrow the children will meet their new teacher and bring home their glowing reports It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you all again this year!
I always knew Class 4 were budding actors but they surpassed themselves this week re-enacting the Boudicca battle!
The children also built Lego models this week and used a programme to write code to make it move. They really enjoyed it!
The certificate will go out tomorrow so I'll mention that on Saturday! The dojo points winners this week (yes winners!) are Tayla, Molly G and Jamie who all received 8 points! Well done!
Don't forget to take your homework home tomorrow and have a lovely weekend!
See you all soon!
Miss Fagence
Friday 26th June 2015
What a busy week Class 4! I can't believe we only have 3 weeks left time is slipping away so quickly!
I was so proud of you all at sports day yesterday. You all conducted yourselves beautifully and showed what wonderful sports people you are. A huge thank you must go to Justin and Sophie who, along with the other sports councillors, ensured the day ran smoothly. I'm surprised you had any energy left to race!
This morning we had our Big Write and I am so pleased with the writing you all produced after brainstorming and sharing your ideas under the table!
This week the certificate went to Devon for her hard work in maths this week. Well done Devon!
The Dojo points was won this week by................Molly S! Well done Molly.
See you all next week
Miss Fagence
Friday 19th June 2015
What a week! Year 4 teamed up with year 6 this week in order to solve a mystery! Who killed King Duncan?? The children had great fun investigating a crime scene on Monday. They were very thorough in their interviews!
I can definitely see some budding actors and actresses amongst year 4! They really got into character and performed scenes from Macbeth with gusto! I look forward to next week!
We have a busy week next week with swimming and Sports day. We also have an exciting Big Write planned for Friday so bring your wonderful imaginations! Please ensure your PE kit is in school all week as we will take any opportunity we can to practise next week. We hope lots of parents and friends can come and support us on Thursday Hope to see you beforehand for the picnic lunch!
This week's winner is...........Dylan Mason! Well done Dylan you scored 8 points this week! There were 4 children hot on your heels with 7 but you managed to keep your lead!
Have a great weekend year 4!
Miss Fagence
Friday 12th June 2015
We have had a very busy week in class 4 this week practising for Sports Day and learning new skills! The children have tackled division this week and worked really hard to understand the different methods and the theory behind them. It was wonderful to see so many say that they understood this time when they hadn't before.
The children have also practised their powers of persuasion and have become very astute at arguing their case (Sorry parents!)
The DoJo winner changed numerous times this week but ........... this week's winner is........
HARRIET well done Harriet!
Have a good weekend Class 4 - We have a very exciting week next week!!
Miss Fagence
Saturday 6th June 2015
Our last half term started brilliantly and we have had a very busy eventful week!
Our class photo was sent home with the children yesterday so please remember to return it if you would like a copy
On Thursday we joined lots of other schools at Writtle College Open Farm day. All of the Wyburns children behaved brilliantly and were a credit to the school. Well done class 4! We would like to thank all the parents and staff that helped on our trip.
We have started practising for Sports Day. The event will be held on 25th June 2015. we look forward to seeing you all there.
The children have been working hard on their times tables and multiplication this week. The test we completed yesterday shows that they have all been practising as their recall was fantastic! Keep it up Class 4!
And now to DoJo ......... The winner is...........TAYLA! Well done Tayla!
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Fagence
Big Hero 6 Week!
We have all enjoyed our week at the movies. We watched our class movie on Monday and have completed lots of hero related activities.
The children loved costing ingredients and marketing their super hero energy bars. They were delicious too!
Recipe: 250g oats
125g butter
125g sugar
2-3 tbs syrup
Bake for 20 mins and enjoy!
The children worked hard on creating a descriptive piece of writing this week. I am very proud of how hard you all worked. Lots to go on our brilliance board!
The winner of the DoJo points this week is.......Samantha! Well done
Wishing you all a very happy half term and see you all on Tuesday 2nd June
Miss Fagence
Saturday 16th May 2015
Year 4 worked really hard creating stories and learning about Spain this week! Thank you to Sophie for her help pronouncing the words We also consolidated our knowledge of fractions and decimals wowing Miss Campbell with our skills!
We had a very high scoring DoJo week this week and it was neck and neck right up to Friday night! Mr Stone allocated a few extra points on Friday resulting in another tie. This time with an amazing 15 points!!!! Well done to Molly G and Justin!
Don't forget next week is movie week. We will be superheroes for the week and I know you will be BRILLIANT as always! As we have so many activities planned PE will be on Thursday instead of Tuesday. please ensure your kit is in school and earrings are removed or removable.
See you on Monday
Miss Fagence
Friday 8th May 2015
What a busy week! The children thoroughly enjoyed their swimming session this week even though it was very windy! Please remember to bring a hat next week and that earrings are taken out either before school or at school.
This week's DoJo winners are...... Justin and Janie with an amazing 14 points!!! Well done.
This week we performed our play scripts to each other and learnt the importance of rehearsals! We also practised calculating area and perimeter. The children can show you how brilliant they are at it with this week's homework. Despite having spellings a week early this week we had more top marks than ever - keep it up class 4! We are also learning a new song in Music which the children will be performing at the end of the term
Next Friday is a Big Write so come with your creative brains!
Have a great weekend and see you all Monday!
Miss Fagence
Class 4 urgently need jars if you have any we can borrow for an experiment they would be greatly appreciated!
Sunday 3rd May 2015
I hope you are all enjoying an extended weekend after our busy week!
Don't forget we start swimming on Wednesday so please ensure we have all your permission slips in as soon as possible. You must also remember your towel, costume and hat on Wednesday!
Our PE day is always a Tuesday so please ensure your child has their kit in school. We do also have other times where PE attire is required so it is best if the kit stays at school or, comes back in the day after any clubs. Please note that earrings MUST be taken out by the children (or removed at home) when taking part in sport at school. We can only use tape if it is within the 6 week period of having them pierced.
Next week is a very short (sporty) week so we will carry the DoJo points over to next week.
Justin answered 4355 questions this week on Sumdog! A huge achievement well done! Alex, Ella P Harriet and Thomas O also topped the board this week - fantastic to see!
See you all on Tuesday
Monday 27th April 2015
A fabulous start to the week! The children discovered what it was like to be part of a disciplined legion in the Roman Army!
Just a note to let you know that Sumdog is now available as a free android app for .Kindle Fire HD6, Nexus 7 2012 and Hudl 2. Hopefully this will allow more people to access this wonderful resource at home!
Friday 24th April 2015
The children thoroughly enjoyed coming up with the ideas for our class celebration assembly this week and we hope you enjoyed celebrating their BRILLIANCE as much as we did.
In English the children learnt about proverbs and are currently writing a playscript to include one. I'm looking forward to reading them. We also mastered the structure of a Complex sentence (a massive achievement Class 4 well done!). Next week we will show off our skills by writing some.
In maths everyone progressed superbly gaining the necessary skills to decompose numbers for extended and compact subtraction. A great week for learning!
The winner of the DoJo points this week is ......... THomas O!! well done!
I hope you all remembered your homework folders today
Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Fagence
Thursday 16th April 2015
What a fantastic start to the summer term! The children started the week consolidating their knowledge of place value and decimals. They also came up with some BRILLIANT ideas for adventure stories and I can't wait to read the finished product next week!
Today we went to Colchester Castle and the children proved once again what an absolute credit they are to our school. They all behaved beautifully and were enthusiastic learners throughout. Perhaps a little too enthusiastic when role playing my demise!
We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parent helpers for their hard work today and hope they enjoyed the day as much as we did!
Homework for this week is a recount of our fabulous day. This will go out tomorrow to be returned by next Thursday please.
I'm looking forward to learning more about the Romans next week!
Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday
Miss Fagence
Maths and English at the Movies
In May we will be using a movie to inspire our learning in the classroom. We need to decide between Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Monsters Inc and 101 Dalmatians. Get your thinking caps on as we will be voting when we return to school next week!
In light of this if anyone has a copy of any of these on DVD that we can use for the week please let me know!
Times tables will be tested on Tuesday 14th April 2015 so remember to keep practising
Last week of term
Class 4 excelled themselves in our play this week. Well done to you all, you all worked really hard!
We managed to squeeze in some adventure stories and multiplication too! The descriptions for your settings were amazing and I look forward to completing them after Easter.
Holiday homework needs to be returned by Thursday 16th April.
Our Smart enough for a smartie winner was ... Justin
Best attitude to learning was......Ben
Contributing to the class and helping others.....Daisy
A BRILLIANT week with so many stars well done!
Enjoy the break and see you all after Easter
Miss Fagence
Easter Holidays
Congratulations to Ella F, Archie and Harriet for making it through to the final of Wyburns Got talent. Ella and Archie came first and Harriet 3rd - an amazing achievement WELL DONE!
I hope you all have a wonderful break and come back refreshed ready to learn! remember our school trip to Colchester castle is on Thursday 16th April so spellings will take place on Wednesday instead.
Friday 20th March 2015
On Monday we joined Class 2 for a science afternoon learning about light and shadows. We had a fabulous afternoon teaching the younger children whilst learning ourselves
We held our auditions this week and well done to all those who took part. Our 3 finalists are Ella F, Harriet and Archie. Please make sure you practise and come with your costume for next Friday's final - Good luck everyone!
What an exciting end to our week! We all looked on in anticipation this morning but unfortunately we were unable to witness the eclipse first hand. We were however able to watch it on the whiteboard inside. The children then wrote BRILLIANT adventure stories involving the eclipse. I can't wait to read your dragon stories next week if they're going to be even better than these ones.
The children have been working very hard perfecting their performance ready for you all next week. We hope you enjoy it. If you haven't already brought in your costume, please ensure that it is here on Monday.
This week's certificate went to Sophie for her consistent positive attitude to her learning. Keep up the hard work Sophie!
Dojo points winner for this week is.......BEN! Well done Ben
Next week is our last week of term so our wonderful topic of Dragons is coming to an end. We will be completing our topic with adventure stories and dragon maths. Don't forget there is a sumdog competition running and certificates to be won!
Finally keep practising those times tables and spellings ready for our final tests of the term next week.
have a great weekend!
Miss Fagence
Thursday 12th March 2015
We've had a very busy week in year 4. Our dragon has been stolen and we turned detective and newspaper reporter all in one week! The enthusiasm was BRILLIANT and the children are eager to continue interviewing next week. Look out for any large unexplained shadows in the sky!
Our performance is coming together beautifully as the children are working really hard to perfect their parts. Please remember to complete your pictures for the front cover of the flyer. I will be choosing the best one on Monday (with the help of Mrs Barber and Miss Thoupos) so they must be in by Monday at the latest. The pictures will be used for all the tickets so it would be fabulous to have a year 4 picture on there
DoJo points this week have caused a dilemma as there is a 4 way tie! The winner will be decided on Monday so ensure you are all your brilliant, hardworking selves ,to be in with a chance of winning!
It's red nose day tomorrow and all the children can dress up if they wish. The campaign 'do something funny for money' is being run by the year 5s and they are asking for a £1 donation. They will also be selling sweets and drinks after school.
Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to next week's exciting escapades!
Miss Fagence
Friday 6th March 2015
What a week! Class 4 have been practising for our production learning their songs with gusto - I think we're all in for a treat!
World Book Day was a fabulous success as the children were so enthusiastic about everything on the day and produced some fabulous non-chronological reports. I just hope the egg in the cupboard doesn't hatch over the weekend!
Parents evening slots are filling up very quickly but I am available after school every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. If that suits you better please let me know.
We now have enough shoe boxes - thank you to all those who have brought them in.
Don't forget it's World Book Day tomorrow! I look forward to sharing your favourite books
Chris and Sue Govus
As some of you may know, Chris and Sue are a much loved Christian couple who have been hosting assemblies for over 25 years!
Their passion and love of life is infectious; with exciting songs and clear messages it is no wonder the children enjoy their assemblies.
Unfortunately, Chris and Sue are retiring. As a thank you Wyburns will be composing a Good Luck book, where each class will be writing messages to say ‘Thank You’. The couple have been hosting assemblies for many years, with many parents remembering them when they were in school. If you would like to contribute to our Wyburns Book please pass messages to your class teacher no later than Tuesday 10th March.
Many Thanks
Please make sure your child brings both their PE kit and outdoor kit on Tuesday ready for PE . The outdoor kit will need to go home regularly but the indoor kit must stay at school until end of half terms unless it becomes dirty for any reason. We are having a lot of children taking them home and not bringing them back.
thank you for your co-operation
Thursday 26th February 2015
Class 4 have had a brilliant week this week. We started to look at the Roman Empire and discovered that we are getting better at teamwork during our historical re-enactment
We started a new text this week in English - How to Train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell - and are really enthusiastic about it! We wrote descriptive instructions on how to catch and then train a dragon this week and will be looking at diary writing next week.
Children now know which character they will play in the KS2 production and rehearsals will be in full swing next week. Children will bring home their words to learn tomorrow.
Well done to Lois - our DoJo winner this week (Harley was hot on your heels this week!)
Don't forget it's world book day next Thursday so bring your favourite book and a photo of yourselves reading somewhere unusual!
have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Fagence
Home learning for the next couple of weeks will be reading around the world and learning the song words for our Easter production. Some children will have lines in the play so will need to learn these as well.
The children will be bringing home their passports today and are able to travel around the world! The more often they read the further they will travel! The aim is for the children to read a little bit every day in addition to the reading during lessons.
There will be no additional English or maths (except for spellings and times tables) for the next 2 weeks.
If you would like any additional maths homework over the next couple of weeks please let me know.
World Book Day 2015
World Book Day is Thursday 5th March ( we are also having a Big Write that day )Please can you all remember to bring a favourite book to share and a photo of you reading a book in a very unusual place. The most imaginative photo will win a prize!
More details to follow!
I hope you all had a lovely rest and are ready to learn
We will be participating in British Science Week again this year and need shoe boxes for one of the experiments. If anyone has any that they can send in before the 16th March they will be gratefully received.
Many thanks
Miss Fagence
Read for my school
I raised the concerns about access to read for my school and this is the guidance I have been given :
The website supports Internet Explorer 10 or 11 and the latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. We experience the fewest problems with Google Chrome.
Hopefully this will help and all the children will be able to access this excellent resource over the holidays.
Thursday 12th February
We've had a very busy week this week so will be glad of the rest next week! Our Internet safety day was very successful and the children had fun designing posters to help others stay safe online. We also created pledges in our bid to 'create a better internet'
This week in English we learnt all about different forms of poetry and impressed Miss Fagence with our Kennings, Calligrams and dragon poems. Mrs Sansom will think you are all BRILLIANT too!
Today we had our first spelling test in our new phases. each child should have week 2 in their partnership books. Homework folders will be sent home tomorrow as we ran out of time today.
This week the dojo points winner is...Sophie! well done Sophie and keep up the hard work
A huge well done to Thomas for achieving his pen license after working so hard on his letter size!
Have a wonderful break and look forward to our next half term
Miss Fagence
Safety Internet Day
Today we thought about how we can create a better internet . We would like to share our smile with you to help make the internet a better place.
Friday 6th February
What a lovely end to a very busy week! Class 4 had great fun today creating dragon masks, making biscuits and making model dinosaurs from card. We all enjoyed ourselves!
Well done to Tayla for winning the DoJo points this week! You were brilliant this week and proved how helpful you can be today
Well done to Sam who received the certificate for the second week - keep up the beautiful handwriting!
A huge well done to everyone for winning the cup and manners stickers again - you really have been superstars this week!
We had our first spelling session today in our new groups and all the children should have next week's spellings in their partnership books. Please be ready for the test on Thursday. Homework was given out yesterday but all the folders seem to still be in the classroom so please take these home on Monday to return on Thursday. I will remind you all on Monday.
Finally don't forget to log on to our read for my school competition and sumdog. well done to those who are regularly on both. (I am aware of those children struggling to access RFMS and am in the process of finding out what the issue is. It looks like it's the internet browser but will update you all as soon as I can)
I'm looking forward to our last week before we break up for half term. Have a great weekend and see you all Monday!
Miss Fagence
31st January 2015
This week the competition Read for my school went live. Everyone uses their name to login and our class code is 341033. Any problems please let me know.
The children have worked very hard this week writing exceptional myths. Our brilliance board will be overflowing as there are so many fantastic ones to choose from! I can't wait to read the rest of them
There are no spellings for next week as the groups are being restructured. New ones will be given out next week but the test will take place the following Thursday instead of Friday. Homework will always be sent home on a Thursday from now on to be completed for the following Thursday. If you could ensure the homework folders are in school each week it means no loose paper to get lost! I will (wherever possible) upload the homework on our page in case it doesn't make it home! Times tables tests take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. I will let the children know their individual focus for the week on a Wednesday.
Finally don't forget our dragon day next Friday! The children can wear green or red or come dressed as a mythical creature
have a great weekend
Miss Fagence
January 22nd 2015
We have had a very busy (and noisy) week this week. We have promised Miss fagence that we are all going to work hard on our listening skills
This week we have tried very hard to work in teams and demonstrated our leadership skills playing team games in the hall. Miss Fagence asked us to find ways to communicate without talking (which we found quite hard at first!) We all got into the spirit of teamwork and had fun!
We worked very hard in both Maths and English this week. Learning about expanded subtraction was a little confusing until we practised it! Miss Fagence is looking forward to reading our myths next week after all the fantastic sentence work and drama we have completed.
have a good day tomorrow and see you all on Monday
Miss Fagence
Topic day
Year 4 are going to have a topic day filled with dragon related activities. The children are able to come to school dressed as mythical creatures or in red or green. The date for your diaries is 6th February. Please make sure you bring your brilliant imagination!
Thursday 15th January 2015
This week we explored myths in English. We practised our acting skills and enjoyed performing to each other. I think we may have a few budding actors in our midst.
We practised using compound and complex sentences but they are still quite tricky!http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/factsheet/en28conn-l1-f-complex-sentences
In Maths this week we have looked and compact and expanded addition and subtraction. We also learnt a count on method to use to find the difference but we weren't too keen on it!
Our points champion this week was RAYA - well done
Scarlett achieved her pen license this week too
I'm looking forward to another week of fantastic achievements
See you all on Monday
Miss Fagence
Happy Monday!
Please find the curriculum overview for this term on our page. This will let you know what your child will be learning this term. Any questions please ask :-)
A great first week back! I saw lots of brilliance this week and hope to see more in the coming weeks.
In maths this week we began by looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. we then looked at equivalent fractions and decimals. The homework follows on from this. In English we worked on our sentence structures and thought about how we could improve our writing. We now understand simple and compound sentences and are working on complex sentences! I heard lots of the correct vocabulary this week as well so keep up the good work class 4!
After the mad scientist visited us this morning we spent the afternoon discussing solids, liquids and gases. we enjoyed seeing the raisins dance in the lemonade
We demonstrated how the particles a packed tightly in a solid and separate to form a gas.
Don't forget to play on sumdog and continue to read at home.
Finally well done to Justin who won the first week's points (with Raya and Ben hot on his heels!) Let's see who wins next week!
Have a good weekend
Miss Fagence
Welcome back class 4!
Thank you for returning your mythical creations; they're fabulous! It's great to see your imagination working well!
After the initial tests this week we can continue our learning journey.
Homework will go out on Thursday this week to be returned by next week.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of the week!
Miss Fagence
Friday December 19th 2014
Hello year 4,
I hope you have enjoyed your last day with Mrs Lee and are now looking forward to recharging your batteries!
I will add the homework here in case any of you have left your sheets in school. It would be great if you could also ask someone to take photos of you completing the homework so that we can use them to accompany our display in January.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to teaching you all in January.
Miss Fagence
Saturday 13th December
Apologies for the late entry. Mrs Lee has caught the bug and isn't quite herself:(
I am looking forward to our Christmas party on Monday afternoon. Don't forget to bring some party clothes to change into. Let's hope we have lots of fun with our friends dancing, playing and eating.
Maths homework this week is the last you'll be getting from me. Complete the sheet on multiplication as best as you can remembering the rules we have been learning during the week.
Spelling test next week will be the last one. This doesn't mean you have to stop improving on those tricky words.
I have had a fabulous few months and shall be very, very sad to leave you all but I know that Miss Fagence is a fantastic teacher and will help you be the best you can be
Merry Christmas to everyone. Here's wishing us all a healthy and happy New Year
Mrs Lee
Friday 5th December 2014
Yet another lovely week with everyone working incredibly hard.
Maths: symmetry, angles, multiplication, mental maths etc
English: Writing poems, taking notes, creating fact files on Brazil, Iceland and England and plenty of handwriting practice.
This week could you please ask the children to use Sumdog for their maths and to practise times tables yet again.
Pupils also need to practice reading the time. If they can convert it to the 24hour digital clock...even better.
There is NO worksheet so please just have a practical session at home.
Class 4, remember to keep working on that handwriting. Presentation is so important!
Happy Weekend:)
Mrs Lee
Friday 28th November
Class 4 have already got into the Christmas spirit, or should I say the spirits from A Christmas Carol!
We've been lucky enough to watch part of the movie to help us with our discussions of life in Victorian England and the messages Charles Dickens tried to convey in this wonderful novel.
We've been looking at the past , present and future tense as well as examining the key characters within the story. Some great WANTED posters class 4!
In mathematics we reflected shapes along a mirror line, converted hours to minutes and practiced our times tables to see how quickly we could do them.
As Christmas approaches they'll be many fun art and craft sessions. We already have our Victorian fireplace with our wishes for ourselves and the world.
Our Christmas party will be in the afternoon of Monday the 15th December. We ask everyone to bring in a little something to share with their friends. I shall put a sheet on the classroom door with a few ideas. Perhaps you could put your name against a particular item so that we don't have repeats or ALL sweets! Thank you
2 sheets:
Maths sheet on time.
English sheet is all about questions.
Spellings in partnership books.
Spellings books back by MONDAY.
All other homework and folders back by Friday please.
Hope there were many of you who went down to the high street to support our singers. Sadly I couldn't make it but I was lucky enough to have a preview as class 6 sang to us in assembly.
Happy Christmas shopping!
Friday 21st November
What a week.! Being swallowed by an alien was a very frightening experience for Mrs Lee but thankfully Class 4 asked enough questions to find out where it had come from and its reason for being here.
This week we explored using speech within our writing and wrote some amazing time travel stories remembering to use lots of adverbs, adjectives and super similes
In number we have been working on fractions and their equivalent decimals as well as some mental arithmetic questions. We are definitely getting faster at our times tables. Please keep working on those 8's, 9's and 12's.
Can you remember all you discovered about Iceland?
Homework - The children have two sheets. One maths sheet about measurement or decimals, and one sheet about punctuation.
We have decided to send the children's spelling books home so that you can see how they have progressed. PLEASE MAKE SURE THESE COME BACK TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY.
Next week only - the spelling test will actually be on Thursday.
Don't forget to use sumdog over the weekend.
Friday 14th November 2014
We have all been superheroes in one way or another this week. Great team work and tidying away as well as super work. Since our reward box was full, we had a treat and watched a little of Monsters V Aliens. Must remember the popcorn next time
Homework - A maths sheet plus please use Sumdog and practice those multiplications.
Also please learn your 12 times table for a test on Monday.
There is a learning update letter being sent home for parents to read which explains all about homework, spellings, reading, the website etc.
This will tell you about the new homework folders we have introduced to help keep work neat and tidy and so that parents can see how well their children are progressing.
This folder must come back to school with all the homework in it.
Please cover this folder to help protect it a little more. Wrapping paper or sticky back plastic is fine. The children can decorate it with stickers if they wish.
There are several children who are not completing the homework.
So far there have been 6 pieces of homework plus the two learning projects (Archimedes and diaries)
Please ensure that your child does their homework. If there are any problems regarding this, then come in and have a chat with me.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Lee
Great work on your science fiction stories children, even though this was quite a challenge for you. We need lots more descriptive language, lots more care with presentation and lots more writing!
The maths homework this week will help you with your fractions and times tables.
Don't forget that you can practice your times tables by playing lots of games on the web. Sumdog is a brilliant way to learn and have fun.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to keep safe with those fireworks
Monday 3rd November
Welcome back!
I hope you all had an enjoyable half term and all families got to spend some quality time together.
The diaries that the children have kept over the half term look great. It is very pleasing to see that everyone remembered to think about presentation. The diaries will be returned once I have read them all!
This afternoon the children will have brought home a sheet related to Fractions. This is simply to reinforce what we have recently been learning about.
We will be moving on to conversion of units in the next few weeks, focusing on capacity, length, time and weight. There may well be some more word problems sent home to practice this area of mathematics.
There is going to be an Alien Invasion in Class 4 as we explore the genre of science fiction. Already I am feeling rather spooked with the children's ideas!
If any of you are having a firework party....BE SAFE!
Friday 24th October 2014
Firstly, a big thank you to all the parents of Class 4. It was lovely to meet with you and learn a little bit more about your children, the things they enjoy and how we can work together to develop their learning and reach their potential.
Next term we will certainly be stepping up the pace. The children may well bring home some extra bits of work just to help reinforce what we are currently learning about.
Some of you are still not sure about spellings and many parents did not not know anything about homework that had been set. It is ever so important that parents check the website and class pages once a week.
I usually add the homework for the following week and a little bit of information about what we have been learning in class ON A FRIDAY.
Spellings are given out every Friday for a test the following Friday.
Class homework is given out every Friday to be returned by the following Friday.
We have a times table test every Monday morning.
Half -Term Homework
Class 4, I would like you to keep a diary, writing about the events of the day. This must be set out in the appropriate way with the full date, underlined and in your best handwriting. You do not need to write pages and pages, just a small paragraph each day. Try to think of good adjectives that you can use to make your work more interesting.
Also, please practice your times tables - 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x . We shall have a mixed test on all four. You need to be able to answer the questions in 30 seconds.
Read lots of lovely books. The more you read, the better your writing and spelling will be.
Have a great holiday!
Thursday 16th October
Our focus over the next few weeks will be to develop our reading skills and tackle different types of comprehension texts.
This week we have been listening to Greek myths and retelling the stories that we have heard.
Our maths focus has been on using different methods to show our calculations as well as exploring factors of numbers and investigating balancing mobiles.
This weeks home work will be a comprehension piece based on Greek Theatre, as well as learning the 6 times table for a test on Monday.
It was nice to see so many parents come along to 'Talk and Share'. I hope it gave you a good insight to what your children have been learning and the progress they are making.
Most parents have returned the parents' evening slip. Thank-you.
All evening appointments have now been allocated. If the time given is not convenient then after school appointments can be made for after the half term break.
Friday 10th October
This week Class 4 have been extremely busy making their Christmas card designs, retelling Greek stories, working on the next stage of their catapults and designing their own Bacteria and Viruses.
In Mathematics the children have been exploring the different methods that can be used to work out tricky sums, including the Grid method, as well as some revision on calculating the area and perimeter of different shapes.
I am very impressed with your handwriting children and the great pride you are taking in the presentation of your work. Please keep this up
Maths homework was handed out on Friday -an investigation sheet where children need to explore the different methods to work out tricky sums. Please help your children with this.
Once again, spellings should be in their partnership books. It is the children's responsibility to make sure they take these home.
Thank you children for last week's homework. There are some children who didn't hand this in so if you still have this at home, you can bring it in on Monday.
Talk and Share
This will be on Tuesday 14th October 3.10pm till 4pm.
Bring your parents along to see all the work you have been doing and to share your personal targets with them.
Have a great weekend!
Friday 3rd October
The children will have come home with two sheets stapled together. This is their maths homework due in next Friday the 10th October. Place value, ordering numbers and addition and subtraction.
They should also have spellings stuck in their partnership book. If you have lost these please come in and ask me for another list.
On Monday the 6th we will have our 4x table test.
New times table to learn for next weeks test please....8x.
MINI PROJECTS due 23rd October
Thursday 2nd October
This week in Class 4 we have been ordering numbers greater than a thousand, continued with work on place value and have made a start on calculating the perimeter of various shapes.
In English, we have moved on from homophones to homonyms, researched silent 'w' words and have improved upon our dictionary skills.
On Wednesday we examined 'Trial by Jury' with some fantastic role play. We have some very promising lawyers. Sadly the 'accused' was found guilty
In other areas of the curriculum : we have located features on maps using 4 figure grid references, created designs for our Greek masks and learned some new words in French.
In ICT the children have really enjoyed using 'Scratch'. Everyone worked out how to program their sprite to move in several directions and do lots of other crazy things! I do hope you get a chance to practice at home children and show everyone how clever you are.
Mr Stone has been working on some brilliant Design and Technology projects with the children in which they've planned, measured and used various tools in order to create their catapults.
Well done to those of you who have learned the 'number of days in the months' rhyme.
We shall have our 4 times table test on Monday.
Don't forget to get working on those mini projects
Sunday 28th September 2014
Mini project:
In history we are looking at Ancient Greece and discovering how clever some of the Ancient Greeks were.
For your mini project I would like you to research a very famous Greek Mathematician- Archimedes.
Can you find out what it was that he invented that enables water to be drawn up from a lower level to a higher level?
It is still used for irrigation in many countries today. But how does it work?
What happened one day when Archimedes took a bath? Can you find out?
Draw, write, make.
You can make a storyboard with pictures that explains what happened. You could get a grown up to help you make something or find some pictures on the world wide web. Even better, could you design an experiment to show what you have found out?
Get thinking!!
You have about three weeks to get this done.
I look forward to seeing your brilliant efforts
Saturday 27th September 2014
It's official children - Autumn is here!
You now have some spellings to take home and learn.
Every Friday you will be tested on your spellings and then a new set will be given to you to practise at home. Please stick these in your partnership books so that you don't lose them.
You can practise your spellings by asking someone to test you or using the 'look, cover, write, check' method, which really helps you get them right.
You will also get some maths homework on Fridays.
This week your maths homework is:
a) learn your 4 times table
b) learn this rhyme
30 days hath September, April ,June and November
All the rest have 31 except for February alone
which has 28 days clear
and 29 in a leap year
Can you remember how we used our knuckles to help us remember the number of days in a particular month? Show somebody at home.
Thank you Class 4 for the money you brought in to support our Macmillan Coffee Morning. Can you remember how much you had raised? In excess of £13!
I was lucky enough to have a huge cream cake- naughty but nice.
In Maths this week we have been looking at Place Value and on Friday almost became millionaires. check out the website:
www.math-play.com and play the millionaire game on PLACE VALUE.
Here's to a great weekend
Mrs Lee
Wednesday 17th September
Last week you all worked so hard on your class tests. Spellings will be sorted out soon so you'll have some extra learning to do.
This week our study of 'Planet Earth' has taken us way back in time to Ancient Greece where we decided to become architects and build temples.
The greek patterns you had to design were quite a challenge!
Hopefully everyone can make a greek mask so that we can visit the theatre and watch a Greek play.
It's a good idea to bring in a shirt or t-shirt that's a little too big for you and can be worn over the top of your uniform when we do messy work. That way our uniforms will stay nice and clean
Democracy - now that's a big word. Tell your parents what it means and the debates we had in class. Not sure whether anyone wants to be in charge of Health or Transport anymore!!
Something important is happening in Scotland tomorrow. Find out what it is. You could visit the Newsround website or ask a grown up to explain it to you.
Keep up the super, duper effort you are all putting into your work.
Remember to read at home even though we have our guided reading sessions at school.
Mrs Lee