

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 4 - 30th Sept

This week we have been creating our settings and using expanding noun phrases to build a picture for our readers. 


In our science lesson, we turned into detectives and hunted for living things to sort and group into different classifications. 


We enjoyed our outdoor learning maths lesson, rounding numbers on our human number line. 


Home Learning


This week we went on a hunt for living things.  Your home learning this week is to design your own minibeast. It could have features from a minibeast that is already alive, or it could be a combination of a number of different minibeasts.


Think about its habitat, how it moves, how it feeds and how it survives.  You can use a mind map layout as we did with our creatures, a two-page spread or a report but it must contain a picture and some interesting facts.



Great work with our 6 timetables this week.  Using sumdog we will be practising our previous timetables. This week's timetable test will be our 7 timetables.  



Well done with your spelling this week.  This week's spellings are listed below.  Why not challenge yourself and put your new words into sentences?

