

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 5 class blog

Well another week has whizzed by and the children have been working hard.

This week we have been creating our own non-chronological reports on the 8 planets in our solar system, which they have really enjoyed.

Also they have cracked how to multiply large numbers and even solved a murder mystery in the process.

Next week to look forward to is the VR lesson on Tuesday - which is all about SPACE!!!

Don't forget to do the home learning homework which is on the website as it will need to be in.

This week in spelling we have been looking at the spelling suffix -ence and -ance when added to a root word. 

We are also reviewing what we know from last week - -tion and cion suffixes

The children will have a spelling test on it tomorrow!

Miss Welsh
