We have our first Zoom call at 9.30am using the link below
After our call at 9.30am, there are some activities for you to complete today
These have also been uploaded on Google Classrooms. In order to receive feedback, please upload your work to the Google Classrooms assignment.
We will then have our second Zoom call using the same link as above at 1pm for registration and to discuss your afternoon activity.
Today's maths is counting objects. In the maths tab, you will find 2 challenges - you can choose which one you would like to complete based on the challenge you need :) Remember, you do not need to print the sheet if you do not have a printer. You can simply write the answers on a sheet of paper and take a photo to upload or you can type them and upload.
In the English tab, you will find challenges for each phonics phase. They are labelling activities with a nature focus. Again, you can choose which challenge you complete based on your own phonics knowledge. Phase 5 is advanced so please do not worry if this looks very challenging - it is!
Our PE for this term is dance! With this in mind, in the afternoon, I would like for you to choose a song you love and create your own dance. Please spend the afternoon creating, practising and perfecting your dance. You can then upload a recording of your dance to the Google Classrooms assignment and we can watch them together and we are back on Monday.
If you finish the activities with time to spare, please draw a picture of one of your favourite memories from your summer holidays.
Have a fab day, Class 1!