

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


What a busy week! The children created amazing dances and performed them to Tokio Myers, Bloodstream. Even the more reluctant dancers had a go. Cross country has begun and despite getting rained on, the children are embracing the exercise and having fun!


This week we celebrated the power of maths and undertook a variety of investigations and competitions. They are very quick on the buzzer and we had a fabulous time answering questions at speed. They also took part in maths trails and shape making plus making ration cookies (using their knowledge of ratio and proportion).


Next week is assessment week , so the children will see how far they have progressed from September. We are going to be following the actual SATS timetable so that the children understand what happens when.


Homework was given out this week and need to be returned next Friday as usual. Please ensure you bring it in in your folder so that your new homework doesn't get lost or left in your tray.


Have a great weekend!
