Please encourage your child to keep their reading books, reading diaries and bookmarks in the plastic bag provided. This helps to keep everything together when the children put their books in the Reading box.
The children have been given a bookmark. Each day we check the Reading Diaries and if the children have read at home and their diaries have a comment or have been signed the children will receive a sticker. In class the children also move their owl up the Reading tree when they read at home.
When you listen to your child read please write in the Reading Record:
The date
The page your child has read to.
Any relevant comments on the way your child read
Any words that your child found difficult
The children will have the opportunity to change their reading books daily if their Reading Record has been signed.
Reading should be a relaxed and enjoyable time for you both therefore please offer praise and encouragement for all your child's efforts. Talk about the book together to further your child's understanding of the text and its key features.