

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

23.10.20 Home Learning

We hope you are enjoying your lovely new book 'The Runaway Pea' and looking after your newly planted beans. 

For your home learning, we would love you to write a postcard to us from where your own runaway bean might go on holiday. Keep your bean watered and give it lots of light and think about where it might run off to on holiday. Write us a fab sentence about what it is like there and don't forget the stamp and our address.... Acorns, Wyburns. Attached is a template if you would like to use one. 


Keep practising your reading and letter formation. Make this as creative as you can from playing I spy to writing in flour! Some ideas can be found on the documents attached. 


Attached are lots of other activity ideas if you would like to keep yourselves busy please feel free. smiley


Please send your work into google classroom or to 


Have a fantastic half term!! smiley
