

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Brilliance 3.2.23

Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates

Acorns-  Bettie for her beautiful book making skills. Bettie has worked hard on creating her own books this week. She was able to retell her story and has drawn her own pictures to illustrate it. Well done!

1-Felicity for the incredible story you wrote this week, 'The Gigantic Carrot'. You worked so hard and we are so proud. It's amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it!

2- Joseph for his amazing Victorian non-chronological report and his positivity in all areas of the curriculum. Keep it up superstar! 

3  Freya for her positivity. You have wowed us with determination and it is lovely to see your smile and happiness within class. Keep it up!

4- Isabel S for great resilience this week and for achieving her personal goal.

5- Jake S for his brilliant attitude towards his school work. Jake always gives every independent task 110% effort.

6- Millie for your determination in maths this week. You have demonstrated such resilience to the tasks. That positivity, along with your desire to achieve, has enabled you to smash algebraic equations! 

Phoebe- Your determination in maths this week. You have really focused your attention and I am super proud of you! Your positive attitude to learning is enabling you to progress! Well done!


KS1 Reading Star-Amelia

KS2 Reading Star- Thom

