

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


What a fantastic week we have had in Class 4!


We are really getting to grips with fractions now and are adding and subtracting seamlessly! I'm so proud of your work ethic this week Class 4 - well done!


Our Castle Courageous ideas are all coming together ready for serious planning and writing next week. We have had amazing vocabulary, inverted commas used correctly along with fantastic, imaginative narratives! Can't wait to read  the final versions!


As if that wasn't enough, we have also immersed ourselves fully into the Science week. The theme of change fitted fantastically with our States of Matter topic. It was lovely to see so many parents on Wednesday :-)


I'm already looking forward to next week's Brilliance!!

Fraction Museum and Science
