Year 6 had a very informative afternoon at Crucial Crew. We took part in 8 sessions which covered a range of topics.
- Basic First Aid - we learnt the recovery position and how to check if people are breathing.
- Stranger Danger - too many of us were easily led off by a stranger...well done Justin for going to sensibly get an adult. I hope the rest of you learnt an important lesson!
- Road Safety - Focus and be seen were the key messages here.

- Making a 999 call - Be clear was the message here. Make sure you know where you are.
- Healthy Relationships - Disagreements are ok between friends, they are healthy. Cruelness, violence etc are not.
- Fire Safety - What dangers are there in our rooms? So many important lessons...especially charging our phones! Remember don't charge at nights.
- Grooming - Watch out from strangers online.
- E-Safety - Don't send anything that is private and don't share anything you shouldn't.
Year 6 were brilliantly behaved as usual, so well done!