Fantastic week.
We have finished, recorded and read our stories to Class 1, designed an outdoor area for Mental Health Day, and debated if ancient marble should be kept in Greece or allowed to be displayed worldwide.
What will our last week bring?
Home learning this week will be TTRS and creating your villain/hero in the setting you created. For example your villain in his dark, gloomy cave. This can be drawn or made using recycled materials. Do not forget you have until next Thursday to bring it in.
Spellings are below.
We have added an optional, orange section as our children continually challenge themselves. This selection is available to all children as an extra challenge but with a twist. They can pick one or all the words in the list but for each word, they need to write the definition, write a sentence which includes the word and finally learn the spelling. Tricky, tricky, tricky!
A few changes for next week, it is a four-day week and we do not have swimming. We will have a P.E lesson TUESDAY AFTERNOON.
Have a lovely weekend.
Team Class 4