

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


Class 3 what an amazing week we have had!


You have worked super hard on our fractions, they can be tricky! You have all tried your best on the chilli challenges this week too. Very proud of all of you smiley


WOW WOW WOW! Our non-chronological reports have been spectacular. I have been amazed by how creative and focused you have been creating these. They look amazing you should be very proud of yourselves!


We have also had WGT auditions! Very proud of everyone who shined in their confidence during their auditions, we have some very inspirational talents in our class. Congratulations on the finalists but remember to everyone who took part, you were all amazing and remember you have next year to have the opportunity to audition again!


We also had a lovely printing afternoon outside. You have been designers and creators this week and your tops look fantastic! We also enjoyed the outdoor learning environment whilst sowing our seeds and reading outside too!


Have an amazing weekend, you all deserve it!


See you on Monday smiley
