

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 1 - wc 5.9.22

What a busy week! You have thrown yourselves into learning this week and I have loved your enthusiasm- please keep it up!

We created our first double page spreads today - so exciting! They look amazing :)

Our wonderful children wrote heart felt speeches and delivered them with such passion before voting for the roles today. 

A huge congratulations to all our candidates for being so resilient and brave! I am so proud of you all!

A special well done to our selected candidates. I know you will demonstrate excellent leadership qualities.


Head Pupils: Yash and Amelia

Deputy Head Pupils: Elise, Eva, Louis and William

Junior Governor Lead (to liaise with the headship team and Mrs Sansom): Josh

Junior Governor: Cody

Art Ambassador: Christopher

Eco Warriors: Lily and William

Sports Ambassadors: Bobby, Kaif and Ethan


Have a wonderful weekend all and please try to remember your family photo on Monday:)

Mrs F
