

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Brilliance 16.9.22


Wyburns’ Brilliance Certificates


Europe- Casper for a brilliant first week. He has made lots of friends and explored the school with enthusiasm. 

Africa - Kelsey for smashing your first week! You have already shown resilience, kindness and bravery and we cannot wait to see all of your brilliance this year!

Asia- Noah for being a positive and enthusiastic learner in everything he does. You’ve had a brilliant week Noah! 

North America- Ollie for superb teamwork in Science experiments this week!

Antarctica- Freddie G - for wonderful Expanded Noun Phrases used for his English work.

South America- Macie for going out of her way to help others this week. You are developing some fantastic leadership qualities!

Oceania-  Tommy for his enthusiasm and role model skills :)


KS1 Reading Star- Nancy

KS2 Reading Star- Poppie K

