

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Home Learning 16.03.18

We've had such a busy week and have continued with our fantastic learning. In maths, we've been working really hard, working on multiplication and division, but we are still finding our times tables very tricky! Therefore, home learning this week is to make sure you practise  your timestables. This can be done for 5-10 minutes a night. Short, sharp bursts are better to help learning them. We particularly need to focus on our 7,8 and 12 times tables. Remember we need to know the division too.


We've got lots of exciting events coming up before Easter so please make sure you check the website for dates. Important ones coming up are:


Monday 19th March - Wyburn's Got Talent auditions

Tuesday 20th March - Talk and Share

Tuesday 27th March - Easter concert and partnership meetings.

Wednesday 28th March - Partnership meetings

Thursday 30th March - Last day of term and Wyburn's Got Talent. 



I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)


Miss Harrison


