We packed so much in this week, I don't know where to start!
We started the week with line graphs and a new English hook. The children will be working towards a flashback narrative and have been thinking about the devices to successfully pull this off without using : he flashbacked; he went back in time....
Their language choices are fabulous and the creative juices are really starting to flow after two weeks away!
Following the success of darning, our DT project is creating and sewing a bookmark. The children will be learning blanket stitch, cross stitch, chain stitch and petal stitch! I will post our progress as we go!
This week, we took part in 3 different events! The owls came to visit us on Tuesday and the children loved meeting them all! The barn owl was definitely my favourite - almost human like!
On Friday, we finished our war topic with VE celebrations (as we are at home on the actual day - 8th May). Thank you so much for all the lgenerous donations! We danced and partied our way through the afternoon. Finally, on Friday after school, some of us went off to Fitz to take part in their cross country event! It was fabulous (and sunny!) The children represented our school brilliantly and were so supportive of each other. Go Team Wyburns!
Home learning is on GC and spellings are attached here and on GC :)
Have a fab weekend all!