For this week's home learning please could you have a look at some of these exciting websites - the children play these games in school and would love to play them at home too! Choose one you like and spend up to 30 minutes practising your phonics! In class we are working on Phase 4, however it is always good practise to revisit phase 2 & 3 to consolidate sounds!
Here is a great video for correctly pronouncing phonemes
Youtube Parent and Carers guide to pronouncing phonemes – free activities and advice on differentiation/application of phonics.
(Currently running a free subscription.) – general information about each phase with printable resources and games.
Are there any words your child is finding difficult to spell or read?
Put these words on post it notes and hide them around your house. You could hide them in your fridge, under their bed or even in their coat pockets. I have attached the tricky words lists.
When you child finds these words they have to read it or write it down.