

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


What a lovely week Class 3!


 You have shown me true resilience in our last week on fractions!  Well done!


We have continued our creative writing in English applying our skill of expanded noun phrases and adjectives to write our character descriptions about Charlie Bucket. You have impressed me with your grammatical skills!


We had lots of fun learning about Hinduism and their festivals, stories, Gods and Goddesses. Retelling the story of Ganesh and creating our very own Gods and Goddesses applying the attributes from each of them we have learnt about.


We have also practised our dance for the dance festival which is approaching 😊


We have ended with connecting to nature even more by using the Seek app.


Have a lovely weekend Class 3.  See you on Monday!
