A great week of learning in class 7. We have started to plan our Non-Chronological Report and we have created our own animal that has evolved to global warming. Some of the animals are very creative and we cannot wait to read all about them next week.
We have continued with fractions in maths and have now moved onto adding and subtracting fractions. Please practice at home if you are unsure. There are lots of great websites to help you - so go and find them.
Our photos are from our Science investigation into air resistance. The children worked in groups to come up with a spinner using only paper. They could add to it or take away. The aim was to create a spinner that takes the longest time to reach the ground. It was fierce contest and a team won, but only by the smallest of margins.
We also enjoyed our Library visit and it was a great singalong at Rayleigh lights. Next week it gets even busier.
Have a great weekend.