

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!


We have been super busy and productive this week!


You have all been resilient in maths this week. We have started addition and subtraction and you have blown me away with your hard working attitudes and wanting to challenge yourselves  and work really hard!


In English you have completed your very own stories ! From reading your stories throughout the week. I  have been gripped by your imagination and your creative ideas. I have been excited to read your finished stories! You should all be very proud of yourselves for working hard on these!


We have been mountaineers, river and seas specialists  this week. We have been learning lots in Geography even capital cities and Europe. We have been researching using our technology skills and using an atlas!


You have all impressed me in computing when making you sunlight safety posters too, copy and pasting images and editing and improving your typing skills.


What a wonderful week Class 3.


Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday 😊
