

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

24.1.2020 Home Learning

Home Learning

Friday 24th January 2020

As part of our amazing reading in Class 2, we would like you to take photos reading in interesting places and bring them in for our display. This could be reading in the park, at a club or even in the bath! If you would like to add a caption to explain what you are reading and where, that would be amazing.


We are still creating our Talents display so please do send in any photos of the fun activities you enjoy taking part in. These can be either inside or outside of school. These could be riding your bike, playing a sport, dancing, swimming, sewing, drawing or any other talent you have.


We look forward to seeing your photos or pictures.


Many thanks

Mrs Clark and Miss Fox
