A busy 4th and final day! We are all sad to be coming home. The disco was a huge success and we all went to bed with a smile on our faces.
1 more day 2 go.....
See you tomorrow
Year 6 - many of you wanted to watch Captain America Civil War...Unfortunately, I only have it on Blu-Ray so if someone has it, please bring it :)
The time is nearly upon us and we are really looking forward to our week away. I would just like to remind you that old clothes are essential, mobile phones and other electrical items are not allowed and that children must bring a sleeping bag/pillows for their beds.
The children will need to arrive at school at 10:00 am, in non-school, Mersea-appropriate attire. There will be a point outside for them to drop off their main bags ready to be loaded onto the coach. If it is raining, they will need to bring them into the hall with them. They will need to keep their ‘hand luggage’ (containing a packed lunch (preferably no chocolate as it will melt, two still drinks and a snack) with them.
The children will need to come directly into the hall and register. If they have any medication in a named bag/packet, this will need to be handed in to Mrs Beale. Pocket money (£10 max in £1, 50p, 20p coins for vending machines) will need to be handed in to Miss Williams or Mr Baker. Once you have delivered your child to the hall, you will be asked to wait outside. We would love you to stay and wave your children off, if you are able to, when the coach departs at 11:00am approx.
Each day I will contact the school and give them an update of what a wonderful time we are having. The office will then send a text update to parents. Please also keep an eye out on the website – if I am able to, I will put a daily update directly onto here. If you have any particular concerns, please contact the school via the office. Please do not phone Mersea direct unless it is an absolute emergency.
The children will spend the morning doing activities and will have lunch on site. The coach is due to collect us at 2:00pm, so our ETA is around 3:30pm. We will, of course, contact the school if we are delayed. In this case, we will send a text to inform you.
Finally, thank you for all of your support in preparing your children for this trip. It is a wonderful experience for them and will provide them with life-long, happy memories. As ever, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I can’t wait! (Honest!)
Miss Williams
SATs Week
Well....here we are! You made it! I hope you are all as excited as me...now is your time to shine and show everyone how brilliant you are. I know you are all ready and you will all smash it! Get an early night tonight and I'll see you at breakfast club.
Where are these weeks going? Time is whizzing by!!
We have had a great week in school learning all about the Battle of Britain and the resilience of the RAF. We acted it out - Luftwaffe vs RAF - in the hall and researched the different planes. We also converted different units of measure and plotted co-ordinates to defeat the Germans!
A brilliant week Year 6!
Pictures to follow soon!
Happy New Year!
The children have settled back in to school well, albeit it a bit tired!
This week we took part in Operation Ingenious - a spy mission! We solved codes and cyphers, dodged security cameras and spied on the evil villains home! We have enjoyed writing about it this week - I will post some of our stories up for you to see! Watch this space....
We have also started our maths learning on algebra!! We have soon realised that it is not that bad! We can do it!! More to come next week though Year 6!
Next week we will be starting our war topic ! I can't wait to start learning all about World War 2 - you will love it Year 6!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you in 2017!
Christmas Party!
Our Christmas party is Tuesday afternoon. Children can brings an outfit to change in to and it would be lovely if children could bring in a food contribution! Thank you :)
Wyburns was set the challenge of decorating table clothes and making centre pieces and accessories for their Christmas dinner!
The winning class for KS2 were.....Class 6!! Woop!
Our table clothes had prints which were all made and designed by the children. We had 2 centre pieces: one was designed by Lois and was an amazing reindeer and the other was a photo frame which the children all contributed to! So brilliant! Well done Year 6....you were brilliant and the win was well deserved!
Christmas Dinner
Today we had our Christmas dinner ! What a great afternoon. It was lovely to sit and eat dinner with Year 6 who were full of joy and Christmas cheer :)
Christmas is well and truly here in Class 6! It has been incredibly busy already and we still have a week and a half to go.
It was lovely to see so many of you at the Winter Wonderland - thank you all for coming out to support us!
This last week we have been completing practise SATs papers. Year 6 have of course risen to the challenge to show their brilliance!! Well done on all of your efforts. I know the paper's were tricky but for this point in the year you should be pleased.
Do'nt forget our Christmas dinner is on Friday, I can't wait to have a festive party with you all!
Please remember your slips about the carol service next Wednesday! Our Christmas Party will be next Tuesday - more details to follow.
Before we finish for next week; please remember your book reviews Year 6! We will be doing a draw next week. Who will win the £5 voucher?
Miss Williams **
WOW!! I am absolutely buzzing!! You were AMAZING!! What an amazing performance - you had the whole high street rocking. I am so proud of you all - you were incredible!!
There is a short video to follow and some more pictures!
Thanks everyone for all your support - I am sure you will agree, they were amazing!!
Well done Justin on retaining your Speedy Tables championship for the last 9 weeks - I am almost sorry to knock you off your top spot! Well done too to everyone who is improving their score week on week! I am certain I have got several children who are hot on my heels ready to steal my glory! Bring it on!
Christmas Lights 2016
Please return slips for the Christmas Lights ASAP!!
It is this Thursday - the 24th - and we will meet outside Boots at 3:55pm....be prepared to rock along to our amazing singing.
Week beginning 14/11/16
These weeks are whizzing by! We have started singing Christmas songs already, ready for both the Christmas Lights Switch On at Rayleigh High Street and for the KS2 Christmas Carol Concert at the church. We hope you can join us for both :)
This week, we have learnt about Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and how to convert between them. We have been writing our explanation texts about the heart in English and Year 6 have made a fantastic effort with them. I look forward to marking them.....with a cup of tea on Sunday!
Week beginning 7/11/16
What a great end to the week....Year 6 won the Brilliance Cup! Woop Woop! Very impressed, and slightly shocked, but I knew they could do it!
It has been another busy week. We have been adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying with fractions and learning all about Passive Voice in English. I think some heads were hurting by the end of the week.
We also wrote some lovely Remembrance Poems today - some stunning ones that were really thought provoking. Great work everyone!
Please remember to bring a disposable packed lunch on Friday 14th October, unless you have ordered a white band from school.
We look forward to seeing your brilliance on International Day!
Well done Year 6, another good week! We received an attendance certificate for 100% attendance last week! Amazing! Let's see if we can get 100% again this week.
We have been designing our own creatures this week that are suited to a particular habitat. This links our Science and English work as we are going to write non-chronological reports on them and how they are suited to surviving in that environment.
Well done to everyone who ran for eco council, sports council or junior governors. The results were so close! I can't wait to tell you who won on Monday but I think it is amazing that so many of you had a go
Another Brilliant Week!
We've had another brilliant week - well done Year 6, you have been fantastic! We started off on Monday with a visit from the 'Time Capsule' team who gave us an inspiriting, science-fiction writing day. I can't wait to see how your stories turn out.
We also did some brilliant learning at the start of our topic - 'Survivor'. We discussed Evolution and Inheritance as well as fossils and adaptation!
I look forward to seeing lots of you on Monday for the Mersea meeting. Remember any harvest donations greatly appreciated. Plus Jeans for Genes on Friday, the World's Largest Lesson today and Elections for Eco-Councillor, Sports Councillor and Junior Governors this week! Wow!
Welcome Back!
I am so pleased to welcome you all back. I hope you have had great summers and are ready to finish Wyburns with a bang. (Year 6 is always the best year - just don't tell anyone I said that!) The children have come back brilliantly and have made a great first impression!
We are going to have a great year but we are going to kick off with a brilliant topic - see below for our awesome first topic.
Don't forget PE kits Wednesday and homework on Fridays!
Miss Williams