

Primary School

Every child has brilliance inside them. Our job is to dig it out and give it to the world!

Week 3 class blog

Good afternoon Class 6

As we start another week, there is lots going on.

We are looking at a coffee morning at the end of this week where you can buy coffee's and cake to support the charity McMillan cancer charity.

Also our home learning will be linked to learning about where coffee comes from.

Also this week we will be taking part in the in the world's largest lesson week that Year 6 will complete everyday.

If we have time in our busy schedule we will be looking at the climate change debate

So a very busy week

Do not forget your partnership book everyday, your PE kit on Thursday and swimming kit on Wednesday.


Also you need to practise your spellings on the year 6 sheet you were given, please practise them at home as well as read as much as you can so you are able to do an Accelerated reading quiz at school.

Have a good rest of your weekend and see you tomorrow

Hello class 6

Just a few announcements for you diary this week

On Friday we are having a McMillan coffee morning where cakes and coffee will be on sale and would appreciate it if you could donate some cakes - (ingredients labelled please)before Friday 24th September

We are reading everyday so please remember your partnership books daily and remember to get them out of your bags

Also we will be reading with Class 3 on Friday


We are also looking at walking to school over the next few weeks to earn your Eco badges

Good luck earning one each month!!

Have a good Evening 

Miss Welsh
